HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) is a security policy mechanism that helps to protect websites against protocol downgrade attacks and cookie hijacking. It allows web servers to declare that web browsers (or other complying user agents) should interact with it using only secure HTTPS connections and never via the insecure HTTP protocol.

Check failed

HSTS header values:
Max Age: 63072000 seconds (2 years)
Include subdomains:

HSTS header values:
Max Age: 63072000 seconds (2 years)
Include subdomains:

Multiple HSTS headers detected

Multiple HSTS headers indicate a misconfiguration, leading to conflicting policies and confusion about which security rules the browser should follow. This inconsistency in browser handling can result in weak security enforcement, exposing the site to potential attacks. Such misconfigurations can also hinder a domain's eligibility for inclusion in browsers' HSTS preload lists. Resolving this requires consolidating the HSTS headers into a single, coherent policy for effective security management.