The `X-Frame-Options` is an HTTP header that prevents web pages from being displayed inside frames, helping protect against clickjacking attacks. It offers directives like `DENY` (blocks all framing), `SAMEORIGIN` (allows framing only by the same origin), and `ALLOW-FROM` (permits framing from a specified URI). For more granular control, the Content Security Policy (CSP) `frame-ancestors` directive can be used as an alternative.

Check failed
Header Value
X-Frame-Options sameorigin

Detected values do not match the expected requirements

When the X-Frame-Options header on a web page does not include the SAMEORIGIN or DENY values, it means there are no explicit restrictions against framing by other websites. This makes the page more susceptible to clickjacking attacks. However, it's also possible for the header to contain multiple values, in which case the browser's behavior can vary based on its specific implementation and compatibility with those values. Additionally, protection might rely on the browser's default settings or other security frameworks like the Content Security Policy (CSP).