SSL/TLS certificates are digital certificates used to secure communication between web browsers and servers on the World Wide Web. They enable encrypted connections, protecting sensitive data during transmission. These certificates verify the authenticity of websites and establish trust, contributing to web security and search engine rankings.

Check failed

Issuer: CN=R11, O=Let's Encrypt, C=US

Not Before: 2024-10-01T08:03:09Z

Not After: 2024-12-30T08:03:08Z

Signature Algorithm: sha256, rsa

Show details
Fingerprint 59:11:08:93:2E:B2:87:C4:70:0B:DA:9E:28:3F:97:3A:FE:F7:B0:B0
Issuer CN=R11, O=Let's Encrypt, C=US
Not After 2024-12-30T08:03:08Z
Not Before 2024-10-01T08:03:09Z
Serial number 3AF90434DB5A8369982A2DC3E4C54A1D65C
Signature Algorithm sha256, rsa
authorityInfoAccess CA Issuers - URI: OCSP - URI:
authorityKeyIdentifier keyid:C5:CF:46:A4:EA:F4:C3:C0:7A:6C:95:C4:2D:B0:5E:92:2F:26:E3:B9
basicConstraints CA:FALSE
certificatePolicies Policy:
ctlSignedCertificateTimestamp BIHxAO8AdQB2_4g_Crb7lVHCYcz1h7o0tKTNuyncaEIKn-ZnTFo6dAAAAZJHUFO_AAAEAwBGMEQCIDbB6XY4peFH54otjtFMiqjfgPRblU2hkkUyVdCwuoYvAiA5mi9vWaPfLTW47hqCyefuMuSHDW86mM8gEBDLVtd65wB2AN_hVuuqBa-1nA-GcY2owDJOrlbZbqf1pWoB0cE7vlJcAAABkkdQVDgAAAQDAEcwRQIgf4C4H9zJYyXXqoskdztjJry5QLO_ci76MEPKXSxRrpsCIQCR0YgWs_y5Y0YUfOwkqIBsgCZY14LebUx99qu0ohAy5w==
extendedKeyUsage TLS Web server authentication, TLS Web client authentication
keyUsage Digital Signature, Key Encipherment
subjectKeyIdentifier 91:C0:D1:05:47:B4:EA:A4:11:8D:D6:B4:9E:04:CF:2B:D3:14:98:6A

Certificate Chain

ISRG Root X1

Issuer: CN=ISRG Root X1, O=Internet Security Research Group, C=US

Not Before: 2024-03-13T00:00:00Z

Not After: 2027-03-12T23:59:59Z

Signature Algorithm: sha256, rsa

Show details
Fingerprint 69:6D:B3:AF:0D:FF:C1:7E:65:C6:A2:0D:92:5C:5A:7B:D2:4D:EC:7E
Issuer CN=ISRG Root X1, O=Internet Security Research Group, C=US
Not After 2027-03-12T23:59:59Z
Not Before 2024-03-13T00:00:00Z
Serial number 8A7D3E13D62F30EF2386BD29076B34F8
Signature Algorithm sha256, rsa
Subject CN=R11, O=Let's Encrypt, C=US
authorityInfoAccess CA Issuers - URI:
authorityKeyIdentifier keyid:79:B4:59:E6:7B:B6:E5:E4:01:73:80:08:88:C8:1A:58:F6:E9:9B:6E
basicConstraints CA:TRUE
certificatePolicies Policy:
crlDistributionPoints Full Name: URI:
extendedKeyUsage TLS Web client authentication, TLS Web server authentication
keyUsage Digital Signature, Key Cert Sign, C R L Sign
subjectKeyIdentifier C5:CF:46:A4:EA:F4:C3:C0:7A:6C:95:C4:2D:B0:5E:92:2F:26:E3:B9

This certificate is not valid

This certificate and its chain is not valid, it signifies potential security and trust issues. An invalid SSL certificate could mean it has expired, been revoked, or not issued by a trusted Certificate Authority (CA). Additionally, an invalid certificate chain may indicate missing or misconfigured intermediate certificates, making it impossible to establish a secure connection to the website. In such cases, web browsers will typically display warnings to users, cautioning them about potential security risks, and it's advisable to avoid interacting with such websites to protect sensitive data from potential threats.