Subresource Integrity (SRI) is a web development security mechanism that guarantees the authenticity and integrity of external resources like scripts and stylesheets. By including a cryptographic hash in the resource reference, browsers can verify that the resources haven't been tampered with before loading and executing them.

Everything is ok

External resources are not present.

Hosting all essential files, assets, and dependencies for a website on the local server or within the same domain centralizes control, enhancing security and simplifying content management. This approach ensures more reliable performance, as it reduces dependency on external sources, potentially speeding up loading times due to fewer DNS lookups and external requests. However, it may forego the advantages of broader content distribution and optimized delivery speeds that external services like Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) offer. Overall, this strategy offers a trade-off between improved security and performance reliability versus the efficiency of a geographically distributed hosting approach.